Dudley Seers: His Work and Influence

Edited by: John Toye

July 1989
Volume 20 Number 3

This issue of the IDS Bulletin examines Dudley Seers' work on development policy and development issues, and his continuing influence on these areas in the years since his death. It does so in two separate ways. In the first section of this issue, we publish the texts of three lectures on themes closely related to some on which Seers himself worked - nationalism, the future of Europe as a region and the role of the development economist.

These lectures, given in a Dudley Seers memorial series, are by three highly distinguished development academics and practitioners - Hans Singer, Louis Emmerij and Gerald Meier. In the second section, we publish four new interpretative essays - by Paul Streeten, Richard Jolly, Barbara Ingham and myself aimed at elucidating key aspects of the personality, intellectual thrust and practical leadership of Dudley Seers.

This section is rounded off by Mike Faber's reconstruction of the journey leading up to Dudley's untimely and much mourned death in March, 1983. Rosalind David's first attempt at a bibliography of Dudley's many writings concludes the Bulletin.