Vagina Sisters, Crying Men, Soap Opera Stars and Sushi: The Story of the Vagina Monologues in Belgrade

  • Jelena Djordjevic
Volume 37 Number 5
Published: October 1, 2006
n spring 2006 the Vagina Monologues was staged in Serbia for the first time. Performed by well-known actresses, including a celebrity soap star, the show attracted a wide audience of people beyond those usually interested in the women’s movement. Hundreds of young girls came to see the soap star, but at the same time they heard about pleasure and orgasm, and how to love their bodies, as well as about sexual abuse and domestic violence. Men in the audience cried with emotion. The actresses, some of whom had reacted with embarrassment and disdain when they first saw the script were on a real high by the end of the show. Serbia’s Anti-Trafficking Center organised the event and all proceeds went to KOLO, a Bosnian women’s organisation supporting women who had been raped by Serbian soldiers during the war in former Yugoslavia. The Vagina Monologues created amazing new connections and allies in the struggle for women’s rights.


  • Gender
  • Sexuality
From Issue: Vol. 37 No. 5 (2006) | Sexuality Matters