Tackling Child Undernutrition in India: Governance Challenges Need More Attention

  • Jaydeep Biswas
  • Jaya Singh Verma
Volume 40 Number 4
Published: July 1, 2009
This article puts a governance lens on India's current approach to tackling undernutrition through DFID's governance framework of state capability, accountability and responsiveness. State capability is analysed in terms of strength of political leadership to tackle undernutrition and to mobilise cross government actions. Accountability for results is assessed in the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) – India's foremost programme for children under six years of age with nutrition and health as one of the programme components. Finally, state responsiveness is assessed especially with respect to the Right‐to‐Food (RTF) campaign that has taken a legal route to advocacy by successfully petitioning the Supreme Court (SC) that has directed the Government of India (GoI) to improve the functioning of ICDS – with a special focus on the disadvantaged sections of the population.
From Issue: Vol. 40 No. 4 (2009) | Lifting the Curse: Overcoming Persistent Undernutrition in India