Some Preliminary Notes on the Subordination of Women

  • Ann Whitehead
Volume 10 Number 3
Published: July 1, 1979
An introductory note on some of the theoretical assumptions made by the IDS Subordination of Women Workshop, and on the specialised language used. It is argued that the analytical object of study cannot be ‘women’ (an empirical category) but rather the relations between men and women in society. Three types of gender relations are specified and described and it is suggested that gender as a characteristic has led to the social domination of women by men. Reasons are given for choosing the term ‘subordination’ (rather than partriarchy) to refer to the general character of male/female relations. Lastly, some of the overall theoretical questions addressed by the Conference are raised.
From Issue: Vol. 10 No. 3 (1979) | The Continuing Subordination of Women in the Development Process