Lessons from the Implementation of MDGs in Kenya: Options for a Post‐2015 Framework

  • Mwangi Waituru
Volume 44 Number 5-6
Published: January 21, 2016
Kenya is playing a significant role in the development of post‐2015 MDG and SDG frameworks. This is compatible with the desire of the new leadership to be more proactive in the negotiation of international agreements. However, the synergies between various leadership roles remain under‐exploited, ultimately reducing Kenyan influence. In Kenya, the MDG period saw a fairly unsuccessful struggle to move away from the notion that the framework was an externally driven means to guide development assistance. While the present consultations around MDGs and SDGs might mean that governments will identify themselves more closely with the new framework, it does not mean that the framework will adequately reflect the views of the poor. Furthermore, there is a risk that a strong post‐2015 framework will dilute the imperative of human rights. The human rights framework offers the prospect of more transformative change, and there is a risk that it will be undermined if it does not form the core of the post‐2015 agreement.
From Issue: Vol. 44 No. 5-6 (2013) | Whose Goals Count? Lessons for Setting the Next Development Goals