Tiger Cubs at the Crossroads:

  • Keith A. Bezanson
Volume 29 Number 3
Published: July 1, 1998
Summaries Since the 1970s, Vietnam has been moving from a centrally planned to an open economy on a step‐by‐step basis. A premium is now being accorded by national policymakers to a new national science and technology (S&T) policy to serve as the driving force for Vietnam's economic development. This paper examines briefly the current case for and against national S&T policy It looks at some of the principal factors inherent in both globalisation and technological change and suggests some possible implications of this for Vietnamese S&T policy, including the role of government. That role would be far removed from the step‐by‐step and tightly managed arrangements that have guided the Vietnamese development effort over the past two decades.
From Issue: Vol. 29 No. 3 (1998) | Transition to What? Restarting Development After Communism