Youth Employment in Developing Economies: Evidence on Policies and Interventions

Volume 48 Number 3
Published: May 23, 2017

Based on a synthesis of the existing academic and policy literature, this article undertakes a situational analysis of youth employment in developing countries. The article analyses existing interventions across sectors and provides insights into how they can be harnessed to generate employment opportunities, citing examples of specific projects. This has been undertaken with a view to bringing to light interventions that have been proven to work, as well as demonstrating the sources of failure. Finally, the article distils key emerging issues related to human capital and the business environment. These have been shown to be binding constraints to higher productivity, and can be used as inputs to shape policy discourse around youth employment.


  • Africa
  • developing economies
  • underemployment
  • youth
  • employment policies
  • job creation skills
From Issue: Vol. 48 No. 3 (2017) | Africa’s Youth Employment Challenge: New Perspectives